Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Halloween Pumpkin

One of two pumpkins we carved this year

This was a BigE and Dada special

Friday, October 30, 2009


It's been a while since I posted about Millers farm. Well last weekend we took the trip down on one rainy Sunday to grab a pumpkin, some apple cider and a tractor ride. BigE didn't feel halloween was complete without a trip to Millers. Even the trip to Saunders with his class didn't fill the void.

Here's the best shot of the two hanging around the pumpkin patch.

I have several with Peanut losing her mind trying to get free and a few where BigE has his head down.

Here are the kids on the double headed Boo!

And Peanut's first picture in the pumpkin piles

Peanut Playing Hockey

BigE has been taking to hockey more so lately. He's on the ice twice a week with IP2. I picked up a hockey ball that is as heavy and bounces like a puck for BigE to play with.

However the person who has joined along is Peanut. She loves walking around with that mini-stick taking a swing at the ball. Check out the squeals.

By the way note the one handed stick work. Further proof that the one handed nature is genetic!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pirate Ship Drawing

Here's BigEs drawing of a Pirate Ship play structure from Saunders farm. (A local spooky haunt for halloween).

It was pretty impressive. It had gun portals in the hull. There was a real rope rigging to the crows nest where the kids could climb up. The bit in the front was a rope anchor the kids could swing on. Oh and in the top right hand corner that was the little row boat that was next to the pirate ship.

It's a BOY!!!

Picture Mama saying this for 30 minutes

"Oh my I can't believe it. I thought it was a girl for sure"

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Nothing toughens a little Sister

... like the "love" of a big Brother.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Some H1N1 Reading

Instead of the usual MSM and their panic, do you want to learn things like:

The mildest pandemics of the 20th century killed at least a million people worldwide. And even after six months, swine flu has killed about as many people as the seasonal flu does every six days.

So how could WHO make such an outrageous claim?

Simple. It rewrote the definition of "pandemic."
(emphasis mine)

Then go read The Pandemic is Political over at Forbes.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Just Like Mama?

Two pics from recent days. The first happened in TO. Its shopping cart Peanut. (That's MAMA!)

Followed up by nurse Peanut? I don't know when the heck this was taken but it's too cute!

Friday, October 16, 2009

BigE All Dressed Up

In TO for his Uncle's wedding BigE got all fancied up.

Here's one with the older cousin

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Quiet Time

The kids, tired, lounging on the floor. BigE watching TV. Peanut just playing along.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Why Is That

breakfast plate on the back of the couch?

Pancakes on the back of the chair

Oh yeah. To keep the Peanut from eating all of your breakfast.
Peanut trying to get the pancakes

BigE Lost His First Tooth!

BigE has been working on his first loose tooth for a little while now. Turns out it finally came out the other day. Here's an awful pic when we showed Mama.

BigE baby tooth

Here's how the boy looks now
BigE smile after losing his first tooth

Monday, October 12, 2009

tBF Rants

Why rant when Jonathan Kay at the National Post says it so well ...

Giving Barack Obama the Nobel peace prize is ridiculous

Since the entire body of work for which Mr. Obama is being honoured consists of idealistic pronouncements, the Nobel prize committee was able to pick him without worrying that the choice could stir up controversy among umbraged minority groups, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, or the UN’s various institutional cheerleaders.

With this pick, the Nobel committee has declared itself to be a debating society — and it has given its shiny prize to the nice man who gave the best speech. It’s like those beauty pageants wherein the MC asks contestants what they would do to promote world peace. The best answer earns applause, flowers and a trophy. But no one expects the winner to actually go out in her tiara and ballroom gown and stop people from fighting.

Boy I hope that last sentence is proven wrong.

And McGuinty ...

Pot (August)

Ontario cities should fight 'Buy American' policy: McGuinty

Kettle (September)
Not all projects 'FIT' for Ontario green program
But to qualify, the authority requires that at least 40 per cent of the products and labour used to get the project up and running come from Ontario. The requirement is meant to encourage growth in green energy manufacturing in the province.

tBF Tip of the Day

Don't try to drive into Toronto at 4 pm.

There you have it. Pure genius. You'll move so slow even the GPS is having trouble registering a speed. Especially when your barely doubling the average walking speed.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Quote of the Day 81

BigE "Hey Dada is that picture tilted?"

Dada "Yeah, just a little bit. I can fix it. Hey wait a minute ... did you hit it with your soccer ball?"

BigE "Yeahhhh, I tried to fix it but I had trouble reaching"

I couldn't really get mad at that.