This never got posted as my wifi access timed out before I did the final save:
We're just waiting another hour for our flight. Which due to the power of a google search is supposedly on time. Momma was able to get hour a couple of hours ago as standby for the earlier flight. Now she'll be able to get some extra sleep.
Having traveled this holiday season I have the following advice
* Picking up your luggage is infinitely harder if your black luggage bag has no identifiable markings
* Criticizing the airline because you have black bags with no markings is probably not helpful
Monday, December 31, 2007
Wating at Pearson
Posted by
1:05 p.m.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas
That's about all you'll get over a dial-up connection. More posts follow when we get access to a wireless hotspot. Pictures may be delayed because I'm pretty sure I forgot the cable for the camera.
Posted by
8:55 p.m.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Quote of the Day 40
Birthday for BigE and when he wakes up Momma asks him does he feel older?
BigE "I feel taller and my head feels bigger"
Posted by
4:36 p.m.
Labels: BigE, QuoteOfTheDay
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Where's Christmas Vacation Been?
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, normally a Christmas staple on the ol' tube, has gone AWOL. I haven't seen it once. It's not Christmas without Christmas Vacation running a dozen times during the holiday season.
Posted by
9:04 p.m.
Labels: Dada
The New FireTruck
Has a 'mote control and is a big hit. Thank you Auntie Karen.
Did I mention the noise it makes? Check out this video:
Posted by
2:02 p.m.
More $@(!^ Snow!
In Icing the Rink I mentioned how I had spent Friday night shoveling out the rink. That gave me 36 hours to try and get an ice base on it.
Since I didn't have a water tight seal, the plastic sheet was flat on the ground, I ha to work the sprinkler. Moving it around to fill an area then move the sprinkler to let it freeze. There was some good weather for it. Nice minus teens. -15 through -18 Celsius.
It's a little hard to see on the small left shot but there is a little round yellow metal sprinkler working hard out there. It's metal with no moving parts so it won't freeze.
I've used vapour barrier for the bottom previously. About $20 for a 20'x100' sheet that I would cut in two to make my 40'x50' base sheet. That would go over the wooden frame. The problem that ended up happening was that the sheet would tear. So it wasn't water proof anyways. I.e. so it would collect the water if I flooded it.
The end result is that I have to go slowly to build up the layers. That's when I ran into this, our snow storm.
For those astute readers you may have noticed that the chair and play structure are the same from the ice rink picture above. In fact it was taken from the same vantage point just 48 hours later. Yes my rink is under another foot of snow.
So now I'm trying to figure out how I will get my neighbours snowblower into the back yard. I think he thinks I'm joking.
Posted by
1:58 p.m.
Labels: pics
BigE's Birthday Party
BigE celebrated his 4th birthday on Sunday. It took till today to get the guests out of the house and my exam written to get this post up.
It was one nasty day outside. 37cm of snow feel through the course of the day. It was a little questionable whether it was going ahead. However once Momma got there just before the start time she found almost everyone. In the end only one kid didn't make it. (And those following me were a little late).
BigE's party was at a gymnastics's club. He'd been there several weeks before when another kid from his class had a party there. He'd really liked it once he found the Jump-o-leen. Today was no different.
For the first hour the kids get to run, jump, climb on the bars and general mayham
After an hour or so of activity we headed up to the party room for a little pizza and party cake. This year the cake was a rocket ship. The last remnant of the original party plan (Rocket ships before Arnie's surgery meant we couldn't have 15 kids running around our house).
Somebody had no trouble figuring out what to do with the cake
Funny thing here was that all of the kids dove in to grab the candles to remove them. panicked parents worried about wax burns while the kids wanted to help or get one.
As mentioned the turn out was great considering the weather. With only the Torontonians following me late and the wussies from BC not making it.
At last we reached the presents. The kids were losing focus as their blood sugars increased and they became more tired. Once we started opening them the crowd surged forward to check it all out. BigE made out very well. BigE managed a nice Thank you at the end.
All in all I think everyone had fun.
Posted by
1:21 p.m.
Is this what they had hoped for?
Found in Seth Godin's Facebook for old people is a link to this hilarious image (click on it to enlarge).
Posted by
9:22 a.m.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Chritsmas Concert Conductor
And finally bringing the Christmas Concert series to a close is this.
During all this singing I noticed the teacher working hard to keep the kids singing and in time with the actions. I couldn't resist capturing a couple seconds of what was going on in front of the stage.
Posted by
12:45 p.m.
Chritsmas Concert Video 4
Besure to check out the kid on the far left at the beginning. He seems to be losing his head band.
Posted by
12:21 p.m.
Icing the Rink
We've had a lot of snow lately. Well for around here we have. Funny when I read Coldest winter in 15 years I thought great that will make it easy to freeze the rink.
What I didn't realize was that the other comment in the article was also going to apply. Higher then normal level of snowfall. Snowfall? I figured that was for those in milder climates.
Well in the end I had waited and waited hoping wind, or warm weather might have cleaned up the rink. Nope. So, since I had some time between exams and the big party, I figured it was time to get started. 3 hours of shoveling later I finally had the rink clear. And by finally I mean FINALLY.
It was 11:00 so I figured I had some time to get a coat of ice down before hitting the sack. Then I saw the timer on the tap. You know those mechanical timers that let you turn on the sprinkler and have it shut off after so much time. So the tap is wide open. Guess what -15'c temperatures did to that? I ended up going in to boil the kettle a couple of times till I finally got the water flowing. I even had to use a wrench to get the timer off the tap. For a moment I thought the whole thing was going to come off the house.
Now I'm sitting in the dark waiting to move the sprinkler to a new location. So far so good. Things are doing better now that the ibuprofen is in my system.
PS Trying to avoid walking on the plastic and newly formed ice gave me the idea to use the long reach paint pole to move the sprinkler around. Normally I have to climb around the edges in the snow to get the movement.
Posted by
12:50 a.m.
Labels: Dada
Friday, December 14, 2007
Goofy Pics
BigE was inspired to make some silly faces. His buddy Monkey (from the WBFamily) took these pictures. After they were done at the Christmas concert they wanted to take some pictures too.
Here's two Monkey took (maybe with a little help from his Mommy)
Here's one Dada took while BigE was on my shoulders. Not too bad when I can't see the LCD or view finder.
Posted by
5:15 p.m.
Chritsmas Concert
This morning was the Kindergarten Christmas concert. There were four classes (two senior and two junior) up singing. They each did a couple of songs. BigE's class was up first. They sang "It's a Small World" which is what that thing hanging around their neck is. It's a little Styrofoam world covered in blue and green tissue paper.
Here's a dump of the pictures. The picture quality isn't the best. Even for a gym with our camera. Not sure why though. I have a few video's that I'm uploading so stay tuned.
Posted by
4:53 p.m.
The Christmas Tree
Here's this year's Christmas tree. A little on the small side this year. And by a little I mean about half height. But a Christmas tree none the less.
Note the green extension cord in the bottom right hand corner. That big red dot is the magical clicker from Single Greatest Toy Ever!
Posted by
4:43 p.m.
Labels: pics
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Single Greatest Toy Ever
Not a Wii. Not a firetruck. Not a helicopter.
But an extension cord with a on off button. Somebody likes the tree with all the lights. The only problem is that BigE wants to plug it in. Which we caught him doing once. So after the reminder that we don't work the plugs we figured we'd have to get an extension cord with a switch on it.
Well Momma found one with a nice big red on-off button. Boy it was a hit. Somebody could barely let go of it long enough to let the cashier ring it in.
After it was hooked up we had our own version of blinking lights
Off - Click - On - Click - Off - Click - On - Click - Off - Click - On - Click - Off - Click - On - Click - Off - Click - On - Click - Off - Click - On - Click - Off - Click - On - Click - Off - Click - On ...
Well you get the idea.
Posted by
10:47 p.m.
Quote of the Day 39
As BigE looks under the table
BigE "I can see well because of my blue eyes"
Dada "Hunh?"
Posted by
10:46 p.m.
Labels: QuoteOfTheDay
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
I Miss Momma
BigE comes into the room, looks up to see me dressed and begins to cry. I was expecting something along the lines of "Do I have to go to daycare?" but oh no. After some wailing and crying
"I miss my momma"
Momma's boy. Time for me to break out more cookies and chocolate milk.
Posted by
9:58 a.m.
Labels: QuoteOfTheDay
Monday, December 10, 2007
Dada's First Curling Event
Not sure how you can be Canadian and make it this far without trying curling. But some how I did. Sadly there was no pictures of any of our stellar sweeping. Or "HARD!" as we kept joking.
All I've got is a pic of our skip. Guess who's at the other end of the sheet calling the shot? That's right Dadda. Although I think he was ignoring some of my controversial shot suggestions. Your questioning my "Inside turn three rock takeout with a backspin?" Shut up and make the shot.
Posted by
10:32 a.m.
Friday, December 7, 2007
One Fine Loaf of Bread
We've been using the bread machine to make pizza dough for a while. Usually with pretty good results. I've also used the dough setting to make decent rolls on holidays.
A couple of times I have meant to make bread dough. Roll it up, and freeze it. Then when you want a fresh loaf pull it out before you go to bed, put in the oven, and set the timer so it cooks for first thing in the morning. Fresh bread first thing in the morning. I'd say the results are pretty good.
Well what was funny the other day with this particular loaf? I covered it with a tea towel to rise in the oven. I was making it fresh. Then as we rushed out the door I thought "Oh heck I'll just set the timer so it's done when I get back".
Turned out I forgot to remove the tea towel. It was baked for 30 minutes at 350'c. Not a burn mark. Imagine my surprise when I opened the oven door wanting to see the finished product when I saw this blue cloth. "What the he...."
Posted by
5:10 p.m.
Labels: Dada
Actions have Consequences
From the Globe and Mail is 'Merry Xmas Isaac, I hope you've learned your lesson'
Parents don't often tell their children what they can expect to get for Christmas, but thanks to some creative parenting, one Toronto-area teen knows exactly what he won't be getting. That's because his dad is selling what would have been his Christmas present — the popular video game Guitar Hero III — on eBay, after he caught the 15-year-old smoking pot in the backyard of the family home.
Posted by
5:09 p.m.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Smart Car Purchases
See this is what happens when you let somebody borrow your car you get Next Car We Buy Will Be a Pontiac Vibe
Four hours later your car comes back and for some reason the windows have to stay down so it can dry. Ooookay.
PS I was semi-awake but dam tired.
Posted by
4:42 p.m.
A Week with No Posts?
Bugger off.
I finished my last assignment for the semester last night. 11 pages of regression analysis. Now there is only two exams left. Not that isn't much of a good excuse because after that there will be Christmas or New Year or whatever.
Posted by
4:30 p.m.
The Christmas Party
Momma's work had a Christmas party for the kids this past weekend. Momma has been in on the organizing for a couple of years now. Swimming, pizza, Little Ray's Reptiles, Santa, and a gift. A lot of fun for all the kids.
After the kids got a slice of pizza Little Rays Reptiles showed up to entertain the kids. They liked the spiders and the cousin to the komodo dragon (forget the name). BigE liked the big dragon. Then he saw the Snapping Turtle. Boy that interested him
He moved in for a closer look. Although he could touch he was interested. It might be the first animal that BigE realizes eats other animals. In this case fishes. So maybe that's ok.
What's a round of reptiles without some big ugly old snake.
Then came Santa and the gift. For the first time in the four years we been there BigE didn't cry upon seeing Santa. He even walked up and answered Santa's question about what he wanted for Christmas. Quite the brave boy. He even hoped up on his lap for a picture.
Afterwards he gave Momma a thank-you hug that was worth capturing.
Posted by
4:21 p.m.
The Santa Claus Parade
We hit the Santa Claus parade for the village just down the road from us last Saturday. It was a cold day (compared to our warm fall). Minus teens Celsius plus wind chill. So we were all bundled up waiting for the parade to begin.
With Momma taking the pictures this is the best picture taken of me. To say I resemble Jabba the Hut here is no stretch.
Now the comfy couch award goes to these folks who parked in the no parking zone to watch the parade from their minivan. Maybe we're just jealous.
Here we are watching the parade go by. Again Momma had the camera so we missed taking a picture of the firetruck, police car, horse & wagon, and Santa.
After the parade we hit a local shop that does specialized ginger bread houses and shapes. You could get a house, chalet, palace, race car, or even aircraft made out of ginger bread. We picked up a little snack.
Here is one pic of our tired little boy. He perked up for another picture but this shows the little boy tired but willing to work through that ginger bread cookie.
Posted by
4:13 p.m.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Where Have You Gone?
As soon as I get the camera back from Momma we'll have shots from the Christmas parade and Momma's work Kids Christmas party. Hence we've been kinda busy. So that's why it's been 5 days since I've posted. Since I'm in class tonight it will really be 6 days till anything is published.
Stay tuned
PS I'd like to mention BigE has got one mean spiral on the football.
Posted by
11:55 a.m.