Oh yeah this is Dada's girl.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
The Morning Zombies
Another in the morning picture series. This is "The bright picture box is onnnnnnn...."
Except that Peanut doesn't hang around very long
Posted by
8:03 a.m.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Quote of the Day 83
Mama "We've got FLYERS!"*
Thanks to the new flyer delivery guy. You made Mama's morning.
* The background: If you don't get a newspaper subscription then you get a bundle of advertisements or flyers dropped off on Friday but we hadn't seen them in months.
Posted by
9:50 a.m.
Labels: QuoteOfTheDay
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Maybe its Just Me
Ok, so I get that it might just be me that feels this way. But this get's the ol' "Hell Yeah!" arm pump from me.
From Time magazine (of all places) Helicopter Parents:The Growing Backlash Against Overparenting (page 2)
Dear Abby endorses the idea, as she did in August, that each morning before their kids leave the house, parents take a picture of them. That way, if they are kidnapped, the police will have a fresh photo showing what clothes they were wearing. Once the kids make it home safe and sound, you can delete the picture and take a new one the next morning.
That advice may seem perfectly sensible to parents bombarded by heartbreaking news stories about missing little girls and the predator next door. But too many parents, says Skenazy, have the math all wrong. Refusing to vaccinate your children, as millions now threaten to do in the case of the swine flu, is statistically reckless; on the other hand, there are no reports of a child ever being poisoned by a stranger handing out tainted Halloween candy, and the odds of being kidnapped and killed by a stranger are about 1 in 1.5 million. When parents confront you with "How can you let him go to the store alone?," she suggests countering with "How can you let him visit your relatives?" (Some 80% of kids who are molested are victims of friends or relatives.) Or ride in the car with you? (More than 430,000 kids were injured in motor vehicles last year.) "I'm not saying that there is no danger in the world or that we shouldn't be prepared," she says. "But there is good and bad luck and fate and things beyond our ability to change. The way kids learn to be resourceful is by having to use their resources." Besides, she says with a smile, "a 100%-safe world is not only impossible. It's nowhere you'd want to be."
Go read the whole thing
Posted by
12:30 a.m.
Labels: Rant
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Quote of the Day 82
I pick up the phone at work, its BigE.
BigE "Dada, did you give me my allowance this weekend?"
Dada "I can't remember. Maybe on Saturday but hmmm I'm not sure"
BigE "Well what are we going to do about that?"
I'm sitting there going wait a minute did a collection agency just call me? It went on like this for a little bit. BigE got his money. But I'm still not sure I didn't pay him Saturday after hockey. I need to pay more attention!
Posted by
5:29 p.m.
Labels: BigE, QuoteOfTheDay
Monday, November 23, 2009
Happiness is a Moral Obligation
Yes that is the title of this video from Prager University.
Give Dennis Prager 5 minutes to explain why happiness is a moral obligation.
Posted by
6:28 p.m.
Labels: Rant
The Gaia Doctrine
George Will at the Washington Post has Awash in fossil fuels with this gem:
Today, there is a name for the political doctrine that rejoices in scarcity of everything except government. The name is environmentalism.You could call it a modern religion.
Posted by
6:24 p.m.
Labels: Rant
Monday, November 16, 2009
Cuddle Me, I'm Upset not Hurt!
After all the backpack activity of the past day Peanut took a spill off the end of the couch. I think she sat on the arm and leaned too far back. Maybe the new backpack helped break the fall. No bruises or bumps. Or hurt ego. That was quickly comforted by Nanny.
She hardly needed to see Dada
Posted by
12:26 p.m.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
More Snacks
After Peanut's Hanging On I thought I would show our little girlie getting herself some Nutrious for a snack
See not always Fruitloops
Posted by
10:25 p.m.
Peanut's New Backpack
We were taking Nanny Dot to MEC to look for a few things. I was looking around for a new backpack. After 10 years every zipper on my backpack was about to go. BigE was a big help finding something very similar to the last.
As I turned around I saw this LittleLife Toddler Runabout DayPack or too cute as well call it (Amazon link because MEC doesn't show the pink version). Peanut had worn a plastic backpack in the nursery toys one Sunday so I wondered if she was interested.
She didn't quite freak out for it but she was happy to walk around with it.
Off she went with the posted note and pen in her hand writing notes. I think she believes she's off to school.
The big loop is a "parent handle", and it even comes with a parent leash. Or big brother leash as its known in our house. We might need to hide that.
Posted by
10:17 p.m.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Peanut's Hanging On
Affter Vaccinated Peanut was finally starting to feel better. As she was coming around she decided to find her own snacks.
Out came brother's popcorn
I gave up. I figured if your eating I ok with it. I laid down on the couch to ice my ankle (twisted saturday) Peanut climbed up onto my belly to eat her popcorn.
The next morning Peanut decided she'd like a few fruit loops. Perfectly happy to help herself. Five fruit loops later and she's good.
And finally there is the pic of Peanut trying to figure out how I made that thermometer beep. She never did quite figure it out.
Posted by
8:04 a.m.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Dada's Birthday
A little steak for dinner. Followed up by some vanilla cake. There was plenty of helpers for the cake!
Peanut wanted up in my lap and wanted part of this action!
Posted by
11:58 p.m.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The kids were vaccinated for H1N1 on the weekend. We got there at 7:30 for an 8:00 hockey practice and there were armfuls of the wrist bands. We came back at 2:00 and the kids had their shots.
Mama was working but had been warned to give the kids something because they probably would spike a fever afterwords. True to form Peanut has been running warm for the last day or so. She doesn't seem to get as hot as BigE but it seems to impact her more.
Peanuts been awfully warm and tired for the past two days.
Posted by
8:39 a.m.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Child Creativity?
BigE's been sick for a few days (no not that!) so he's hardly been out. Today he headed back to school. He decided to be creative on where he hung up his coat.
Posted by
11:05 p.m.
The Little Young Old Lady
The day after halloween Peanut started playing with the pumpkin bucket. It's nothing to do with candy. I guess its out and around so she decided to play with it. She even wanted to put stuff in it. Like her blocks or cereal. Yes that was a nice mess to clean up.
I didn't catch quite the picture I wanted here but I had to show Peanut channeling a 70 year old lady the way she was carry the bucket.
Posted by
11:00 p.m.