Sunday, November 15, 2009

Peanut's New Backpack

We were taking Nanny Dot to MEC to look for a few things. I was looking around for a new backpack. After 10 years every zipper on my backpack was about to go. BigE was a big help finding something very similar to the last.

As I turned around I saw this LittleLife Toddler Runabout DayPack or too cute as well call it (Amazon link because MEC doesn't show the pink version). Peanut had worn a plastic backpack in the nursery toys one Sunday so I wondered if she was interested.

She didn't quite freak out for it but she was happy to walk around with it.

Off she went with the posted note and pen in her hand writing notes. I think she believes she's off to school.

The big loop is a "parent handle", and it even comes with a parent leash. Or big brother leash as its known in our house. We might need to hide that.

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