Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Sleep Over

Monkey from the WBFamily spent the night. Marking the first sleep over for boys. Things went well. BigE wasn't in the mode to watch Wallace and Grommit. (A little too scary). But we did knock down 4 episodes (15 mins each) of Turbo Dogs.

BigE and Monkey eating junk

As an added bonus for Monkey it was junk night. BigE has been on the rewards system for now whining this week. He aced the week so it was a full compliment of junk. After the previous pictire I tried to get one with them both "facing" the camera. Notice how Monkey has his eyes on the TV. But he did comply with the spirit of the request. Nice work.
BigE and Monkey eating junk but smiling

I wasn't able to grab a good shot of Arnie on the mouch because everytime I fired up the camera he ran out of the room! Go figure.
Arnie on the mouch

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