Friday, October 19, 2007

The Astronaut Costume

Updated with a new post (Oct 2008) Astronaut Helmet to add some answers to questions that people had emailed.

The space helmetThe Astronaut costume is coming along. Momma has made the run to pick up the Astronaut suit from Amazon. Now she's put together a space helmet from paper mache. It's been papered, sanded, and painted a little.

Looking pretty good eh?


the song company said...

This looks great!
I was just looking for ideas for an astronaut helmet- and this looks better than any one you could buy, oculd you please email me directions on how you created this helmet



Russ said...

An old post of yours, I realize, but I see I'm not the only one who just found it.

Paper mache! Brilliant! I've been trying to figure out how to get a decent helmet for my 3-year-old little girl's astornaut costume. On the right track at last!