Saturday, April 19, 2008

Play Structure III

Update: Part IV

Well we had some fantastic weather today so we have progress to report since Play Structure II. Of course like all good schedules we're not one the original one. Turns out there was a few distractions during the day.

Dave from the WB Family was over for a couple of hours so we were able to get a bunch boards installed. After setting up the structure in the backyard in the early morning next came the picnic table.
Dave working on the play structure

After the picnic table came the decking for the main play house floor.

play structure with floor

And here is the final progress by the late afternoon when I had to stop. Now we have the ladder ready to go plus the boards on the store front/ sandbox.
play structure with ladder

Part IV

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy Play structure!!!!

Jake and Eric will be over......well maybe....but Aunties Bevie would love to play on that!!!
