Thursday, April 10, 2008 is One

On April 13, 2008 we'll mark the one year anniversary of What can we say. We've added some real quality to the internet. Well maybe more quantity than anything.

Useless factoids:

We've had

  • 1158 visitors
  • about 3,500 page views
  • average time on site 49 seconds
  • about 9 comments all made by

Besided the main page the most popular pages were
  • Canadian Tire $10 off $40 pages
  • July 2007 archive
  • What will make my poop soft

These were all found by google searches. So they must have hit something people were looking for.

We're third on the Google search for bussey family

In my prep, I found there is a city called Bussey in Iowa.

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