From Captains Quarters comes The Irish Job. What happend? Somebody stole 450 kegs from the Guinness plant. They simply drove up and took a trailer loaded ready for delivery.
Funniest part is this:
Well, the joke's on them. Only 180 kegs of it were Guinness stout. The rest of the kegs held Carlsberg and -- the horror! -- Budweiser. One can imagine the disappointment when the trailer gets unhitched and inspected.
You can imagine how pissed the thief must be.
On a personal note. I first found CQ during the Gomery commission. It was publishing key testimony while the media ban was under way. If you want a great view of Republican views check out CQ.
[UPDATE] Best comment line heard? "Where's Burt Reynolds? And are they filming Smokey and the Bandit 4?"
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